In the previous discussion we discussed the effect of a single treatment on certain responses . The single treatment is called the factor , and the level or level of the factor is called the level . The factor is symbolized by a capital letter while the level of the factor is symbolized by a lowercase letter . If we simultaneously observe the effect of several factors in the same study, the experiment is called a factorial experiment .
A factorial experiment is an experiment in which the treatment consists of all possible combinations of levels of several factors. Experiments using f factors with t levels for each factor are symbolized by the factorial experiment f t . For example, a 2 2 factorial experiment means that we use 2 factors and the level of each factor consists of 2 levels. Factorial experiment 2 2It is also often written in the form of a 2x2 factorial experiment. The last symbol is often used for factorial experiments where the level of each factor is different, for example 2 levels for factor A and 3 levels for factor B, the experiment is called a 2x3 factorial experiment. A 2x2x3 factorial experiment means a factorial experiment consisting of 3 factors with levels for each factor of 2, 2, and 3. described previously, and the next stage is the selection of the environmental design, which involves the form of experimental designs such as:
This article is a continuation of the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial. Suppose there is an experiment as follows:
There are 3 types of materials for the manufacture of batteries (A, B, C) which were tested at 3 temperatures (15 o F, 70 o F, 125 o F). From this experiment, we want to know whether the type of material and temperature affect battery life? Are certain types of materials suitable for certain temperatures? The following are the steps for calculating the analysis of variance followed by Duncan Multiple Range - Post Hoc Test.