Minitab is a statistical data processing program package that is quite popular. Minitab was developed at Pennsylvania State University by researchers Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., and Brian L. Joiner in 1972. Initially, Minitab was specifically designed and created as a learning tool by three university statistics instructors. Commands and menus are arranged logically and organized to make it easier for statistical instructors (teachers) and students to understand and study statistics. Minitab can handle a variety of statistical analyses, including descriptive and nonparametric statistics, correlation, logistic regression and regression, univariate (ANOVA), multivariate analysis and so on.
There are several Minitab tutorials that you can learn on your own on the smartstat site. Most of the Minitab Tutorials are presented in interactive flash format (made with adobe captivate), designed especially for beginners and packaged in a short and very easy to understand. In addition, the tutorial is also equipped with tips, tricks, and interpretations so that it will help you understand and master the Minitab Program easily and quickly.
The following is a series of Data Analysis Tutorials using Minitab .
You can download the Minitab Tutorial data sample at the following link: