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Geographic Information System (GIS)

Konversi GPX ke Shapefile dengan ArcGIS
Konversi GPX ke Shapefile dengan ArcGIS

GPX ( GPS eXchange Format ) is a common GPS data format with an XML schema that can be used to exchange GPS data between various applications, and to share GPS data with other services such as Web-based services. GPX files can be used to describe waypoints , routes , and tracks . Unlike other data file formats, which only the program concerned can understand, GPX files are an open format so anyone can create programs that can read the data in the gpx file.

To be readable by ArcGis, the gpx file must first be converted to a shapefile format . There are various applications that can do this conversion, including DNRGarmin and Global Mapper . ArcGis itself actually already provides an extension that can read the gpx file. It's just that sometimes ArcGis (especially version 9.x) can't read the gpx format stored directly by the Mapsource application correctly, so we need another program that can convert gpx into shapefile format or save it back in gpx format and then convert it by the Arcgis extension. .

In this tutorial, I will describe the steps of converting a GPX file (which is saved by the Global Mapper application) into a shapefile format using the ArcGis 9.3 Data Interoperability extension.

Tutorial GIS: Merge-Crop File GPX
Tutorial GIS: Merge-Crop File GPX

GPX ( GPS eXchange Format ) is a common GPS data format with an XML schema that can be used to exchange GPS data between various applications, and to share GPS data with other services such as Web-based services.
When we work with several gpx files, maybe some of you want to combine several gpx files into one gpx file and remove areas that are not needed (eg previous data, other people's survey results stored in the gpx file). Next, we save the gpx file which is a combination of several gpx files in gpx format.

Konversi GPX ke Shapefile dengan Global Mapper
Konversi GPX ke Shapefile dengan Global Mapper

GPX ( GPS eXchange Format ) is a common GPS data format with an XML schema that can be used to exchange GPS data between various applications, and to share GPS data with other services such as Web-based services. GPX files can be used to describe waypoints , routes , and tracks . Unlike other data file formats, which only the program concerned can understand, GPX files are an open format so anyone can create programs that can read the data in the gpx file.

To be readable by ArcGis, the gpx file must first be converted to a shapefile format . There are various applications that can do this conversion, including DNRGarmin and Global Mapper . ArcGis itself actually already provides an extension that can read the gpx file. It's just that sometimes ArcGis (especially version 9.x) can't read the gpx format stored directly by the Mapsource application correctly, so we need another program that can convert gpx into shapefile format or save it back in gpx format and then convert it by the Arcgis extension. .

In this tutorial, we will describe the steps for converting GPX files into shapefile format using Global Mapper 11.